2021 – Club News


  • Thursday December 2, WFSC Board of Directors meeting, 7 p.m. at Clubhouse
  • Saturday December 4, WFSC Christmas Party, 6 to 10 p.m., Mustang Hall at Coyote Ranch Resort (see invitation for details and RSVP info)


Ho Ho Ho ! Santa says "make your reservations now for the WFSC Christmas Bash !"

(posted 11-11-21)

Yes, the Club elections have been settled, all the race toys have been put away for the season, and now it's time to party!

We're having a Christmas Party this year, and it looks like it could be a good one!

We've reserved a hall (Mustang Hall at Coyote Ranch Resort, to be exact). The event will be 6-10 p.m. December 4. Details are included in the official invitation that you received by e-mail. You can also see the invite HERE (click)

Hope you'll all join us. We'll get to applaud the current racing champs, meet the new Directors and catch up with all our sailing pals.

We'll be eating and drinking in style, of course, and will hoot and holler our way through a round of Bad Santa Gift Exchange (bring a gift up to $20 if you want to play).

Please examine the RSVP details, make your reservations and be there !



Voting is ongoing for WFSC 2022 Directors

(posted 10-12-21)

Ballots for 2022 WFSC Directors were sent out earlier this week by email. The ballot describes the several methods you can use to get your vote recorded.

If you didn't see that email, here's a link to the ballot. Only one vote per membership will be counted.

click for ballot


(posted 10-12-21)

WFSC Racing Update


Last weekend was a windy one, but a small fleet of three Flying Scots, skippered by Steve Priester, Paul Cory and Zach Whalen, managed to get in several races on a shortened course around the derricks in Yacht Club Bay.

From Fleet 170 Capt Steve Priester:

"Okay, here's how it went today (Saturday). Race #1, Cory, Whalen, Priester; Race #2, Priester, Cory, Whalen; Race #3, Priester, Whalen, Cory.

Winds were 15-20 mph; all boats were very close.

Each race had two triangles, mostly up in our protected derrick area. Two boats had three sailors for weight.

We almost didn't sail because of the winds, but then convinced each other we could do it. Very exciting!"

On board with Priester was old hand Larry Ahlhorn. Cory has his son, Ryan, and fellow FS skipper Matt Baker. Whelan sailed with his regular crew, Patrick Simmons, and one of our newer members, Jeffrey Gordon.

The event wrapped up the 2021 series for the Flying Scot fleet. Whalen, with seven wins, was first for the series, Priester second and Baker third. The Scots got in a total of 14 races on the year.


The Big Boat Handicap Fleet is slated to wrap up its 2021 series on Oct 23. Thus far, the Big Boats have run nine races, and skipper Ronnie Brasket has developed a commanding lead for the series.


Five boats entered the annual HWR earlier in October. The event, which normally features big winds, was run in very light air this year.

Four boats managed to get to the starting line, and three of them were able to finish the single race.

Lee and Kim Havins took first in a Flying Scot. Three generations of Brunners (skipper Dave, his son Chris and his grandson Brantley) finished second in a Flying Scot. Ronnie Brasket, Bink Davidson and Maris Jalowy were third in the big boat "Hola Beaches".

We had a delicious cookout afterward, which drew a light turnout. Thanks to Blu Kennedy and Larry Ahlhorn for their work on the cookout.



(posted 9-30-21)

See the latest issue of Hard-A-Lee here:


(posted 9-27-21)

Annual Harvest Winds Regatta is Saturday (Oct 2); Club-wide Social and Dinner to Follow

Hey folks, come out to the Club this Saturday (10-2) for informal racing and/or casual dining.

The event is the annual Harvest Winds Regatta (one day only), and the sailing starts with a Skippers Meeting at noon.

Then, whether you race or not, join us in late afternoon for a social hour before Rear Cmdr Blu Kennedy opens the food line. He'll be cooking hotdogs, brats and fixings. Participants are asked to bring their favorite side dish or dessert to share. Bring your own adult beverages.

The racing event is open to any boat that has a Portsmouth Handicap. Skippers must attend the noon SM; no single handing allowed. Harvest Winds races do not count toward either of the WFSC ongoing series.

The early fall weather has been fantastic lately. Weathermen are calling for a couple days with rain chances this week, lessening on Saturday, when a high around 80 is predicted with southerly winds of about 8 to 10.

Last Saturday five Flying Scots raced in mild conditions. Zack Whalen scored two more bullets, and Matt Baker two seconds. Steve Priester, Dave Brunner and Lee Havins rounded out that fleet.

The Scots will race again on Oct 9 and the Big Boats will take to the course on Oct 23, wrapping up the 2021 WFSC race schedule.

One more date worthy of note is Nov 4, when the annual Membership Meeting occurs, beginning at 7 p.m. Ballots for WFSC officers for 2022 should be counted, if anybody has stepped up to accept a nomination for any of those thoroughly rewarding positions. Any Club member who wants to be considered for a board nomination should contact Commodore Debra Halter, 632-8557.

(posted 9-6-21)

Hey, Mister, do what comes Natural and open this brand new issue of the WFSC Hard-A-Lee

HAL 9-6-21



natural fix
dog typing

(posted 8-4-21)

Hot Dawg ! Here's another issue of the WFSC Hard-A-Lee


HAL 8-3-21


(posted 7-2-21)


At its recent July meeting, the WFSC Board of Directors accepted another membership application.

Joining the club are James and Janet Ward of Graham. They will be bringing in a Skipper 20 sloop.

Welcome them when you see them at the Club.

Also at the meeting, Past Commodore Steve Colley agreed to develop details and take bids for producing some new WFSC shirts. We haven't printed a T shirt in a couple years.


(posted 6-28-21)

The Club's kickoff social went so well, we've decided to do it again on July 3

Forty or so WFSC members and friends gathered at the Pavillion June 26 for our first attempt at a post-pandemic club-wide social event.

Burgers, hotdogs, fixings and great desserts were on the menu, as was lots of friendly conversation.

The event was going so well that Commodore Debra Halter stood up and declared we will be doing it again on July 3 ! And we think she meant it, too.

As always, on the Fourth of July weekend, many folks are at the club celebrating, sailing and getting ready for the fireworks show.

This year the Club will be adding to that with an informal burger-hotdog offering, beginning in the late afternoon.

Big thanks to Steve Colley, Blu Kennedy, Larry Ahlhorn and Matt Baker for organizing, cooking and making last weekend's event a success. Here's a few photos from last Saturday's shindig:

paviolion 3
pavillion 2
pavillion 1

(posted 6-4-21)

WFSC Board accepts another new member and discusses plans for possible future projects

The WFSC Board of Directors, meeting June 3, voted in another new family member. They are Gary and Jenni Blankenship of Seymour. They have one daughter, Harlee Kate. They will be bringing in a Catalina 22.

Welcome the Blankenships when you see them at the Club!

In other action, the board determined to get bids on several proposed projects: laying a concrete slab in place of the old lower wooden deck (which was recently removed); repairing or replacing the ceiling in the Clubhouse's Great Room; and building a wheelchair ramp for access to the deck. Also being investigated is the possibility of purchasing and installing a defibrillator for the Clubhouse.

After the costs are determined, the board will decide which of these projects should go forward.


(posted 6-4-21)

Sail rig sprawl is jamming up Clubhouse storage area

House Chairman Bink Davidson is putting his foot down. Specifically, he's tired of putting his feet down on top of the Sunfish/Sailfish sail rigs that have again spread out onto the floor of the Clubhouse storeroom.

As a result, the WFSC Board wants members who are storing a sail rig in the storeroom to come in and clearly identify which of the items are theirs. You could do this, for instance, by putting a piece of duct tape on your Sunfish mast or sailbag and writing your name on it so it can be easily identified.

Properly identified rigs will go back on the storeroom racks, which were installed years ago for sail rig storage.

After a month or so, unidentified property will be removed from the storeroom.


(posted 6-4-21)

Zach Whalen achieves Scot racing hat trick

Yes, FS Fleet 170 did race on May 22, and yes, I was out of town. So, yes, you're getting this info third hand at best.

may scots

But what I heard was that Zach Whalen topped a fleet of five boats in three consecutive races on a grey and gusty afternoon.

Scores for the remainder of the fleet included:

- Steve Priester, third, fourth and second;

-Derrick Christoff, second, fifth and third;

-Dave Brunner, fourth, second and DNS;

-Glenn Tole, fifth, third and fourth.

The fleet will race again June 19. Skippers Meeting at noon (except for Zach, for whom the skippers meeting has been scheduled for 2 p.m. . . .just kidding)

Rob Havins snapped the photo at right.


(posted 5-16-21)

Yet Another Hard-A-Lee, hot off the press

View it here:

HAL 5-16-21



dog typing

(posted 5-2-21)

Dodging the rain, two races are completed in Spring Regatta / Big Boat Series

Larry Ahlhorn and Ronnie Brasket each won a race Saturday (5-1) as a half dozen skippers faced off in the WFSC Spring Regatta/Big Boat Handicap Series.

The first race course (A-B-C-finish) became a long one as the wind waned for a while. The first boat (Brasket) crossed the finish line after 90 minutes. Larry Ahlhorn was several minutes behind, and won on handicap (Brasket was second). The second race was shorter, an A-C-finish course, and the wind picked up. Brasket finished first boat-for-boat and on handicap, taking only 25 minutes to complete the race. Ahlhorn was second.

As the second race wound down, heavy rain clouds moved in and Race Committee Lee and Kim Havins called off the third race.

For the day, Steve Colley scored a third and a fourth; Dave Brunner, a fourth and a third; John Kidwell, a fifth and sixth; Derrick Christoff, a DNF and a fifth.

In between races, Colley and his crew Matt Baker completed an athletic self rescue after a clevis pin popped out of one of their side shrouds. Impressively, they managed to save the mast, and equally impressively, Colley had a replacement clevis pin aboard. Lesson learned: spare parts are your friends.


Larry Ahlhorn crosses paths with John Kidwell

In top photo, Larry Ahlhorn crosses paths with John Kidwell prior to a start. In middle pic, Ronnie Brasket heads for the finish as Dave Brunner and Steve Colley vie for position at the club's "C" mark. In bottom photo, Brunner and Colley race for home as Derrick Christoff rounds the "C" mark. (photos by Kim Havins)

(posted 4-25-21)

Nine Scots hit the water Saturday to open 2021 Series

Like a big flock of geese (actually, out amongst various flocks of geese), nine members of WFSC Flying Scot Fleet 170 sailed Saturday (4-24) for a couple of make-up races to begin that series for the year.

Steve Priester won the first race, even after being called "over early" and having to re-start. New fleet member Zach Whalen won the second race.

Derrick Christoff, sailing the old Funky Chicken (which was the first FS ever at WFSC), took second place in both races.


Matt Baker was third in the first race; Lee Havins was third in the second.

Filling out the fleet was Bill Robison, Glen Spadin, Glenn Tole and Dave Brunner.

It was a fairly gray day throughout with a brisk north wind, which caused significant difficulty launching and retrieving the large number of boats in our limited dinghy area.

Kay Brunner took the top photo of the fleet heading to the starting line. Later Race Committee Rob Havins (et al) captured the pic on left, which includes some kind of UFO (unidentified floating object) cruising through the start-finish line.



HOUSE IMPROVEMENTS: WFSC House Chairman Bink Davidson has been busy on several projects around the Clubhouse. Indoors, the ceiling (damaged last year by roof leaks) has been repaired. Several deck projects are under way, also, including these new stairs. Club members Larry Ahlhorn, Derrick Christoff, Mike Gillis and Jim Loudermilk have been working with Bink on the project. (posted 4-13-21)

(posted 4-6-21)

Colley, Brasket Win First Races of 2021 Season

Seven WFSC boats hit the lake in a good breeze Saturday (4-3), opening the racing season and the Handicap Fleet series.

big boat race

Steve Colley won the first race, followed closely by Dave Brunner and Ronnie Brasket. Brasket won the second race, followed by Colley and Brunner.

Making up the remainder of the fleet were Derrick Christoff, Mike Gillis, John Kidwell and Brad Merrick.

It was a beautiful day and a good show, enjoyed by a small crowd of onlookers.


dog typing

(posted 4-6-21)

Doggone! Here's another issue of the Hard-A-Lee.

HAL 3-30-21

(click to open)




(posted 2-27-21)


WFSC's 2021 Race Schedule includes action for Big Boats (handicap), Flying Scots (one design) and a summer fun small dinghy evening fleet.

Also included are three one-day regattas, which can be enjoyed by just about anybody in just about any boat. Hopefully, we will be able to incorporate some of our social schedule into these, also.

View the schedule in the Racing Tab.


(posted 2-17-21)

Fleet Meeting set for February 23

WFSC's racing skippers and crews will get together Feb 23 to form up a schedule for the upcoming sailing season.

The Club has reserved a room at The Forum, 2120 Speedway Ave. The event will be 6:30 to 8 p.m. We will be using an entrance on the east side of the building.

The venue should give us enough room to have a safe and enjoyable evening as we set the schedules for the coming season and discuss any other issues. Schedules will be developed for the Flying Scot fleet, the handicap “Big Boat” fleet and for a
“fun-run” Wednesday evening dinghy fleet. Any other type fleet could be considered
(at least three skippers required).

This event will be BYOB. Some snacks will be provided by the Club.

(posted 2-17-21)

Deck Improvement Project Considered

The WFSC Board is looking into hiring a contractor to rebuild and reinforce portions of our Clubhouse deck and handrail system.

Steve Priester reported to the board, at a recent meeting, that he had received a couple of contractor bids on various improvements. Board members narrowed the scope of the project to rebuilding and reinforcing portions of the deck and handrails. Suggestions that we also contract for a solid roof over the deck were put on the back burner for the time being.

The project, as it now stands, would have the Club spending about $7,000 to bring the deck up to snuff, including additional joists underneath, replacement of any unusable boards, replacement and redesign of handrails, step repairs and painting.

Also at its February meeting, the board approved a reservation for use of the Clubhouse, on May 15, for the wedding of Bink Davidson and Sheryl Mahon. Also, February 23 was selected as the date of the annual fleet meeting (see separate story).




(posted 2-8-21)

New Hard-A-Lee

HAL 2-1-21


(posted 1-6-21)

Doug Gray is 2020's Top Tracker Sailor

In our haste to put 2020 in the rear view, we forgot to mention the winner of last year's Tracker competition.

Last year several WFSC sailors reported their time on the water, using WFsail.org's Tracker Tab, to see who could accumulate the most sailing hours, and Doug Gray, aboard Amazing Grace, amassed the most.

Congratulations to him and his crew!

(posted 12-31-20)

Santa sacked out as soon as his big day was over, but his elves were so stoked on Red Bull that they ginned out a post-Christmas WFSC Hard-A-Lee.

Click the link at right to see it.

Archived Club News

| 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |